Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Assignment #3

Option 1:

One place that has influenced me is my grandpa's summer home in Lodi, Wisconsin. I have gone there since I was very young, and I have learned many things there. My dad and grandpa taught me how to fish, how to make a fire, and how to drive a boat. This place has made me love the outdoors more and has developed in me an interest in fishing.

Option 3:

One time that I felt out of place was during the summer this year. My friend told me about a fishing trip that he was going on through his church, and how we would be riding down the Mississippi on house boats, and fishing wherever we stopped. So I signed up for the trip and paid the fee. A few weeks later, though, I got a sheet in the mail telling me what to pack for the trip. On the sheet, the trip was titled as Sugar Creek Bible Camp, and the first item on the list to bring was a bible! I was really shocked because I thought we were going on a fishing trip.

I ended up going anyway, and the whole trip was really miserable for me. There was nobody at the camp that I liked except for my friend that went with me, and we had to do all these worship and bible study activities, which I'm not really into. It was bad because we had no free time, and all the counselors treated us like little kids. The whole week we only were allowed to take one shower because there wasn't enough spare water on the house boats, and we had to eat really nasty food. Worst of all, during the couple hours that I did have to fish, I didn't catch a single fish. I felt out of place at Sugar Creek Bible Camp because I hated the place.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Assignment 2

I agree with George's comment on peer pressure. I think that friends do have a strong influence on teenagers' decisions, and hanging out with the wrong crowd can lead you the wrong way. I've seen other people pressure their friends to do good and bad things. I think that most people usually don't give in to peer pressure though. I've felt pressure to behave certain ways with my friends, but if they are pressuring me to do something I really don't want to do, I usually don't give in.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Chapter 5

1. Why do you think Rameck made the choices he did? He knew right from wrong, so what motivated him to choose the "wrong" path as a teen?

Rameck didn't have very many positive role-models in his life, so he followed whatever was the easiest path for him. Both of Rameck's parents were drug addicts, and his friends led him in the "wrong" path, so Rameck naturally followed in their path and made poor decisions.

2. Considering both his parents were drug addicts, was he really responsible for his actions? Explain your opinion.

Rameck was still responsible for his actions, but it would be easier for him to give in to the temptation of doing bad things since his parents would probably not discipline him very much. Although he had poor role models, he would still know what is right and wrong, and still had the ability to choose the right decisions.

3. Are young people responsible for their actions if they have no good role models or people to teach them the right way to live? Explain your opinion.

Yes, they are still responsible for their decisions. Even though they have no good role models, people can still make positive decisions for their own good. Without positive role models, it is harder to make good decisions, but still possible.

4. Who are the biggest influences in your own life? In what ways have they shaped you? What have they taught you?

The biggest influences in my life are my parents and friends. My parents have taught me to do the right things and to pursue my interests. My friends have usually shaped me in a positive way, but sometimes they have led me in the wrong directions.